Safe2Drive Blog


Navigating Summer Storms: Essential Tips for Safe Driving in Heavy Rain and Flood Conditions

by Courtney Conley

As the summer season approaches, many of us are looking forward to long-awaited vacations, road trips, and fun adventures. However, with the warmer weather comes the potential for powerful summer storms that can bring heavy rain, floods, and dangerous driving conditions. Here are some tips for staying safe when navigating summer storms.

Wet Road

Be Prepared

Check the weather before heading out, and plan your trip accordingly. Avoid driving in heavy storms as much as possible.

Make sure your vehicle is in good condition, with properly inflated tires and working brakes, headlights, and windshield wipers.

Keep an emergency kit in your car with essentials such as a flashlight, first-aid supplies, a blanket, and a charged battery pack for your phone.

Slow Down and Maintain a Safe Following Distance

Wet roads can reduce tire traction and increase braking distances, so adjust your speed accordingly. Follow the speed limits, and reduce your speed if necessary.

Maintain a safe distance from the vehicle in front of you, as you will need more room to come to a complete stop on wet roads.

Turn on Your Headlights

Visibility is reduced during heavy rain, so turn on your headlights to improve your vision and ensure other drivers can see your vehicle.

Avoid using high-beam headlights, as they can reflect off the rain and cause glare, impairing your vision and that of other drivers.

Avoid Flooded Roads and Be Cautious of Hydroplaning

Flooded roads can be dangerous, as it’s difficult to gauge their depth accurately. Just one foot of water can cause your vehicle to float, and two feet can sweep away most vehicles. Remember, "Turn Around, Don’t Drown."

Hydroplaning happens when your tires lose contact with the road surface, causing a loss of control. If you start to hydroplane, ease off the gas pedal and steer straight until your tires regain traction.

Gentle Braking and Steering

Apply the brakes gently to avoid skidding and maintain control of your vehicle. Sudden braking or sharp turns can cause a loss of traction on wet roads.

Be mindful of wet leaves and oil residue on the road surface, as they can create slippery conditions.

Stay Focused and Alert

Eliminate distractions such as using your phone or adjusting controls while driving in heavy rain. Keep your focus on the road and other vehicles.

Look out for pedestrians, cyclists, and other vulnerable road users who may be less visible in rainy conditions.

By following these essential safety tips, you’ll be better prepared to handle summer storms and drive with confidence on wet and flooded roads. Stay safe!

Interested in learning more about traffic safety?

Are you looking for defensive driving and traffic school courses? Do you want a discount on your auto insurance? Do you know a teen who’s ready to take an online driver education course?

Safe2Drive is here to help! We offer convenient online courses for drivers of any age! Visit our website today to learn about the online courses we offer in your state.

As the summer season continues, many of us are looking forward to long-awaited vacations, road trips, and fun adventures. However, with the warmer weather comes the potential for powerful summer storms that can bring heavy rain, floods, and dangerous driving conditions. Here are some tips for staying safe when navigating summer storms.

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Here's How to Break Your Speeding Habit This Summer

by Courtney Conley

The open roads of summer are upon us. There’s nothing better than the wind in your hair and your favorite song playing! There is, however, something we all need to focus on this summer, and that’s making sure we’re driving the appropriate speed. Going a few miles over the speed limit might seem harmless, but the truth is that speeding is illegal for a reason. Speed limits are put in place to protect everyone on the road, and speeding endangers all roadway users. If you have a speeding habit, here are 5 ways to break it.

Car Dashboard

1. Maintain your focus.

Avoid fixating on a single object ahead of you, as it restricts your field of vision. Many new drivers tend to zero in on what they believe is important, such as a road sign, the car in front of them, or the lines on the road. However, this can be dangerous as it prevents you from being fully aware of your surroundings. Instead, scan the road ahead and stay aware of your surroundings.

2. Adjust your speed according to conditions.

Understand that adverse weather, traffic, or road conditions may require driving below the posted speed limit. It’s important to adjust your speed accordingly.

3. Understand how stopping distances work.

Remember that braking takes time, and the faster you’re driving, the longer it takes to come to a complete stop. Keep this in mind when choosing your speed and approaching intersections or potential hazards.

Keep in mind that hitting the brakes doesn’t instantly stop your vehicle; there’s a delay between the moment you decide to hit the brakes and when your vehicle comes to a complete stop. The higher your speed, the longer it takes to stop. This is a key reason why speeding can be incredibly dangerous.

4. Go with the flow.

Try to drive at the same speed as the main stream of traffic around you. Driving significantly slower or faster can create dangerous situations.

Saying that you didn’t realize you were speeding isn’t a valid excuse to speed. To keep track of your speed, make it a habit to glance at your speedometer frequently and maintain a consistent pace with the traffic around you.

5. Stay alert and expect the unexpected.

Stay alert and ready to respond to sudden changes or hazards on the road. You’ll only have a split second to react in some situations and your focus and attention will help you react quickly and appropriately.

Breaking the speeding habit this summer might seem challenging, but with the right mindset and some adjustments to your driving routine, you can make significant progress toward safer driving habits and keep you and those around you safe.

Interested in learning more about traffic safety?

Are you looking for defensive driving and traffic school courses? Do you want a discount on your auto insurance? Do you know a teen who’s ready to take an online driver education course?

Safe2Drive is here to help! We offer convenient online courses for drivers of any age! Visit our website today to learn about the online courses we offer in your state.

The open roads of summer are upon us. There’s nothing better than the wind in your hair and your favorite song playing! There is, however, something we all need to focus on this summer, and that’s making sure we’re driving the appropriate speed. Going a few miles over the speed limit might seem harmless, but the truth is that speeding is illegal for a reason. Speed limits are put in place to protect everyone on the road, and speeding endangers all roadway users. If you have a speeding habit, here are 5 ways to break it.

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Natural Disasters and Car Insurance: Which Policy Covers You Best?

by Courtney Conley

Natural disasters can wreak havoc on our lives and property. Cars are particularly susceptible to damage as they are typically kept outdoors. A broken windshield from hail or a flooded car in a heavy storm can leave you stranded and cost a significant amount of money to replace. Luckily, car insurance can help in these scenarios, but only if you have the right coverage.

There are many different types of car insurance policies out there. You’re likely most familiar with liability insurance, as it’s usually required for all drivers. There are two types of liability insurance:

  1. Bodily Injury: this covers medical expenses, lost wages, and legal fees for the other people in a collision if you are at fault.
  2. Property Damage: this covers the damage done to someone else’s property when you’re at fault in a collision.
Totaled Car

While it’s vital to have liability coverage, it’s not going to help you much in the case of a natural disaster.

Here are a few more types of car insurance available on the market and what they’re used for:

  • Personal Injury Protection: this covers medical expenses, lost wages, and other expenses for you and your passengers regardless of who is at fault in the collision. Some states require this coverage (e.g., Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Kansas, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey , New York, North Dakota, Oregon, and Utah).
  • Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist: this coverage will protect you in the case of a collision where the other driver does not have insurance, or their coverage isn’t enough to take care of the damage. This is required in some states (e.g., Connecticut, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Jersey, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Vermont, Virginia, and Wisconsin).
  • Gap Insurance: this is often required when you’re leasing a vehicle. It covers the difference (or "gap") between the amount of money you still owe on your loan or lease and the car’s actual value if it’s stolen or totaled.

Again, none of these policies are catered toward natural disasters. That’s where comprehensive insurance comes in.

Why Comprehensive Insurance is Important

When it comes to natural disasters, comprehensive insurance is the way to go. This isn’t usually required, but is a great add-on for those who may experience natural events beyond their control, such as:

  • Floods
  • Hail
  • Tornadoes
  • Wildfires
  • Earthquakes
  • Hurricanes
  • Falling objects (e.g., a tree)

If you live in an area that experiences these types of natural events, you should consider looking into adding comprehensive coverage to your car insurance plan. It’s most affordable when you add it before a disaster happens. If you try to add it the day of a hurricane, the insurance company will likely raise some eyebrows and deny the coverage.

With the cost of car insurance on the rise, it might not sound appealing to add an additional form of coverage, but you could be very thankful you have it later, especially if you live in an area prone to natural disasters. Talk to your insurance company about your options and to see if comprehensive insurance is right for you.

Interested in learning more about traffic safety?

Are you looking for defensive driving and traffic school courses? Do you want a discount on your auto insurance? Do you know a teen who’s ready to take an online driver education course?

Safe2Drive is here to help! We offer convenient online courses for drivers of any age! Visit our website today to learn about the online courses we offer in your state.

Natural disasters can wreak havoc on our lives and property. Cars are particularly susceptible to damage as they are typically kept outdoors. A broken windshield from hail or a flooded car in a heavy storm can leave you stranded and cost a significant amount of money to replace. Luckily, car insurance can help in these scenarios, but only if you have the right coverage.

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Road Safety Tips for July 4th Weekend: Staying Safe During Peak Travel Times

by Courtney Conley

The 4th of July is one of the busiest travel weeks of the year, and 2024 is projected to continue that trend. Over 70 million travelers are anticipated this week, which means it’s time to brush up on some tips for navigating peak travel times!

Heavy Traffic

Avoid rush hour.

Plan your departure time to avoid heavy traffic. Consider leaving early in the morning or later in the evening to avoid peak travel hours. This won’t always be possible, so try to look for alternative routes when you can in order to avoid heavy traffic.

Plan ahead and expect delays.

Plan your route ahead of time to avoid last-minute decisions and minimize distractions while driving. Give yourself plenty of extra time to make it to your destination, as there will likely be delays.

Stay alert.

Stay alert and focused while driving, taking regular breaks to avoid fatigue. If you feel tired, switch drivers or take a break at a rest stop. Keep a close eye on your surroundings. Keep a safe distance from other vehicles, and be mindful of motorcyclists, bicyclists, and pedestrians sharing the road.

Check the weather.

Check the weather and be prepared for possible adverse weather, such as summer storms. Slow down and increase your following distance when driving in rain, fog, or other adverse conditions.

Minimize distractions from passengers (including kids and pets).

Make sure your passengers are properly secured in a seat belt, car seat, or pet carrier, depending on their needs! Pack mess-free activities for little ones and remind everyone to avoid distracting the driver.

Do not drive impaired.

If you plan on consuming alcohol or other drugs during your celebrations, make sure you have a designated driver or plan for alternative transportation. Do not, under any circumstances, get behind the wheel while impaired.

The 4th of July is a time to celebrate. Do so safely and responsibly by prioritizing safe travel.

Interested in learning more about traffic safety?

Are you looking for defensive driving and traffic school courses? Do you want a discount on your auto insurance? Do you know a teen who’s ready to take an online driver education course?

Safe2Drive is here to help! We offer convenient online courses for drivers of any age! Visit our website today to learn about the online courses we offer in your state.

The 4th of July is one of the busiest travel weeks of the year, and 2024 is projected to continue that trend. Over 70 million travelers are anticipated this week, which means it’s time to brush up on some tips for navigating peak travel times!

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