Eyes on the Road: Navigating Distracted Driving in the Age of Technology

by Courtney Conley

Each April marks National Distracted Driving Awareness month. In 2022 alone, there were 3,308 people in the US killed in collisions involving distracted drivers. These deaths are preventable.

As technology continues to advance, its impact on driver behavior has become a growing concern. While technology can often contribute to distractions behind the wheel, it also has the potential to provide solutions to avoiding distracted driving.

Distracted Warning on Dashboard

What is Distracted Driving?

Distracted driving is often thought of as texting and driving. While that’s a big distraction, it’s not the only one drivers are susceptible to. Distracted driving is any non-driving activity that takes your eyes off the road (i.e., visual distractions), your hands off the wheel (i.e., manual distractions), and/or your mind off of the driving task (i.e., cognitive distractions). Here are some examples:

  • Visual Distractions: Reading a text message, looking at your GPS, or adjusting the temperature.
  • Manual Distractions: Eating, vaping, or reaching for an item in the vehicle.
  • Cognitive Distractions: Daydreaming, talking on the phone, or engaging in deep conversations with passengers.

Avoiding distracted driving starts with recognizing these dangers and applying safe driving habits to protect yourself and others on the road.

Technological Distractions

There are many technological distractions that can compromise one’s driving, such as:

  • Texting: Reading or sending text messages, emails, or social media updates can distract a driver visually, manually, and cognitively.
  • Social Media: Scrolling through social media feeds, watching videos, or reading articles online can divert attention from the road and surrounding traffic.
  • Phone Calls: Engaging in phone conversations, even when using hands-free devices, can cause cognitive distractions and take a driver’s attention away from the road.
  • Navigation Systems: While GPS and navigation tools can be helpful, they can also cause distractions if a driver focuses too much on the screen or attempts to adjust settings while driving.

Preventing Distracted Driving with Technology

Various apps, devices, and in-vehicle systems have been developed to limit distractions and promote safer driving behaviors. These solutions tend to focus on reducing access to distracting features while the vehicle is in motion.

Here are some examples:

  • "Do Not Disturb" modes: Many smartphones and devices offer settings that automatically silence notifications and limit access to certain apps while driving.
  • In-vehicle systems: Modern vehicles often feature integrated systems that allow drivers to control music, navigation, and other functions using voice commands or steering wheel controls, minimizing manual distractions.
  • Device mounts and holders: Securing devices in a visible location can reduce the urge for drivers to reach for or use them while driving.

By embracing these technologies and strategies, drivers can create a safer driving environment for themselves and other roadway users.

Safe Driving Strategies

Here are a few ways you can reduce distractions behind the wheel:

  • Put your phone away: Place your phone out of reach, such as in the glove compartment or a bag, to avoid the temptation of using it while driving.
  • Set your phone to "Do Not Disturb" mode: Use features that silence notifications and limit access to distracting apps while driving.
  • Utilize hands-free options: If you need to make a call or use GPS, opt for hands-free devices or in-vehicle systems that allow you to maintain focus on the road.
  • Pull over if needed: If you must attend to a distraction, such as answering an important call or adjusting a setting, find a safe place to pull over and stop before doing so.
  • Set ground rules: Encourage passengers to help maintain a distraction-free environment and avoid engaging in distracting behaviors themselves.

National Distracted Driving Awareness Month serves as an important reminder of the risks associated with distracted driving and the role technology plays in both causing and preventing these distractions. By understanding the different types of distractions and adopting safe driving habits, we can work together to make our roads safer for all roadway users.

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Each April marks National Distracted Driving Awareness month. In 2022 alone, there were 3,308 people in the US killed in collisions involving distracted drivers. These deaths are preventable.

Categories: Driving Safety, Driving Laws