3 Heart-Healthy Tips for Drivers

by Courtney Conley

Driving can be a stressful experience. While traffic jams, aggressive drivers, and other hazards can definitely affect our mood, the impact goes beyond just frustration and annoyance. Chronic stress tends to find its way into our cars and can have a significant impact on our cardiovascular health. In the spirit of Heart Month, let’s look at some ways to reduce your stress while on the road.

Busy Street

If you’re feeling stressed about an upcoming drive, start your day with intention. Take a few minutes before heading out to center yourself with deep-breathing exercises or meditation. This can help shake out any stress you may have built up and set the rest of your day up for success.

Here are a few more tips for cutting down driving stress:

  • Pack some water and healthy, car-friendly snacks.
  • Clean out your vehicle. A nice clean car is a great way to cut down on stress.
  • Check important things like your tire pressure, fuel or battery levels, and wiper fluid. This will help you avoid unnecessary stress while driving by being prepared for emergencies before they happen.
  • Share the driving responsibility: is your passenger a driver as well? Take turns behind the wheel to cut down on the potential stress of driving fatigued.
  • Take a break! On long trips, stop every few hours and stretch your legs. Breathe in the fresh air, take a little walk, and do some stretches to benefit your heart and your overall health.

Some situations on the road may trigger your stress response more than others. Here are some specific tips for high-stress situations.

Traffic Jams

  • Remind yourself that this is temporary. You won’t be stuck on the road forever, even if it feels like you will be!
  • Turn on calming music or podcasts.
  • Focus on slow, controlled breaths to steady your heartrate and ease tension in your body.
  • If traveling with others, chat, tell stories, or play games to create a positive and enjoyable vibe.

Do not use heavy traffic as an excuse to look at your phone! Conditions can change quickly and it’s important to be alert and aware of your surroundings any time you’re behind the wheel, regardless of the speed you’re going.

Aggressive Drivers

  • Increase the distance between yourself and the aggressive driver.
  • Don’t react to aggressive drivers with aggression yourself.
  • If an aggressive driver follows you, don’t go home. Drive to a well-lit, public place like a police station or gas station with people around.

Don’t engage with aggressive drivers. Remember, you can’t control their actions, but you can control your own. Protect yourself and your peace by refusing to let aggressive drivers get under your skin.

Take care of yourself and your heart on the highway by doing everything you can to maintain a calm, stress-free environment. We hope these tips and tricks help you do that this Heart Month!

Interested in learning more about traffic safety?

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Safe2Drive is here to help! We offer convenient online courses for drivers of any age! Visit our website today to learn about the online courses we offer in your state.

Driving can be a stressful experience. While traffic jams, aggressive drivers, and other hazards can definitely affect our mood, the impact goes beyond just frustration and annoyance. Chronic stress tends to find its way into our cars and can have a significant impact on our cardiovascular health. In the spirit of Heart Month, let’s look at some ways to reduce your stress while on the road.

Categories: Driving Safety, Trip Planning, Driving Safety, Trip Planning