4 Simple Self-Improvement Tips for September

by Courtney Conley

Even though it marks the end of the summer, September always feels like a fresh start to me. Something about the temperature dropping and the leaves changing makes me want to buy fresh pens and start making a list of goals. Maybe it’s just the back-to-school season in the air (or, at least, in all the commercials!), but this time of year makes me want to reflect and improve. I know I’m not the only one who feels this way, because September happens to be Self-Improvement Month! What better way to round out the year than cracking open a new notebook (or in this case, blog post) and writing down some self-improvement goals we can all aspire to this season?

Carpool More

Self-Improvement Tips

Back-to-school season is a great time to start a new carpool routine. We all say we want to help the environment, but it can feel like too big a task for one person. Carpooling is an easy way to reduce pollution. Take some time out of your day to plan a new carpool schedule. There are even apps now where you can connect with people to carpool with from your neighborhood! If you’re not able to carpool, consider trying out the public transportation in your city, if available.

Less Screen Time

Defensive Driving

Did you know that on average, American adults spend more than 11 hours per day looking at screens? Many of us have to use a computer for work, and it’s unavoidable. But you can still reduce the time you spend with other screens. People are so addicted to their screens these days that they use their phone while behind the wheel. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, almost 20,000 people died in collisions involving a distracted driver between 2012 and 2017. Most states have strict laws prohibiting texting and driving, yet people still do it. If you’ve ever thought to yourself, how can I be a safer driver?, make it one of your self-improvement goals to never use your smartphone while driving.

Many smartphones have a system for tracking your screen time and will even allow you to block certain apps during times when you want to unplug, like when you’re behind the wheel.

Be Active

Drive Safe

With the weather cooling down in many parts of the country, September is a great time to get outdoors. Hiking can be beautiful this time of year! Many cities and towns are pedestrian-friendly, so consider walking or riding a bike for short trips you might usually drive. Even if you’re driving your vehicle like normal, be sure to keep an eye out for pedestrians, especially when the weather is nice enough for people to walk!

Take a Class

Defensive Driving Course

Even if you’re not heading back to school yourself, September is the perfect time to take a class! Learning is an awesome tool for self-improvement. Do some research for available classes in your area that you may be interested in, like cooking classes or music lessons. There are lots of one-session art classes for those with busy schedules! If you can’t fit in a face-to-face class, consider taking a class online.

One option is to take an online class with Safe2Drive! We have a wide selection of classes available to help you brush up on your driving skills and become a better driver. We have classes for auto insurance discounts, driver education, mature driver improvement, and defensive driving. If you’re curious about what makes a good driver, consider taking one of our courses.

If one of your goals is to become a better driver, please check out our website to see what courses we offer in your state. If you have any questions about any of our courses, our excellent customer support team is here for you daily to help! We hope you try some of our self-improvement tips!

Even though it marks the end of the summer, September always feels like a fresh start to me. Something about the temperature dropping and the leaves changing makes me want to buy fresh pens and start making a list of goals. Maybe it’s just the back-to-school season in the air (or, at least, in all the commercials!), but this time of year makes me want to reflect and improve. I know I’m not the only one who feels this way, because September happens to be Self-Improvement Month! What better way to round out the year than cracking open a new notebook (or in this case, blog post) and writing down some self-improvement goals we can all aspire to this season?

Categories: Driving Safety, Trip Planning